Fifty Sixth Meeting – 5 October 2012

  • The Minutes and Resolutions of the previous meeting were approved.
  • It was reported that there were 176 victims as at 2 October 2012, according to the figures on the National CJD Surveillance Unit website. However, Field Fisher Waterhouse were aware of 182 Victims as at the date of the meeting. By the end of this meeting, the Trustees had considered 181 of the claims submitted to date. The Trustees had considered a total of 397 claims for £5,000 Psychiatric Injury, 213 claims for Particular Emotional Hardship, and 45 claims for Particular Financial Hardship.
  • The meeting included consideration of 3 new claims, 2 claims for Psychiatric Injury, 3 claims for Particular Emotional Hardship and 1 claim for Particular Financial Hardship.
  • £40,681,719.39 had been paid in compensation by the date of the meeting, £12,876,492.36 had been paid for costs, expenses and taxes, which included £5,350619.84 in relation to Charles Russell’s fees (inc VAT), £354,532.13 in relation to Field Fisher Waterhouse’s fees (inc VAT), £3,574,020.82 to Irwin Mitchell’s fees (inc VAT) and £261,721.44 in relation to other solicitors’ fees and expenses.
  • The Trustees resolved that Cazenove be asked to provide an update for their consideration on a quarterly basis. Further information was to be sought from Charles Russell in relation to whether higher rates of interest were available if the money was invested for a longer period of time.
  • The Trustees considered the ‘assumed’ earnings figures in Dependency Claims. They resolved to increase the notional income figures for Dependency to £10,500 for a Victim and £3,500 for a partner or spouse. The Trustees would consider whether to make increased payments retrospectively to recent claims once Field Fisher Waterhouse had established whether the increase in notional income figures would affect claims for Dependency paid in the last two years.
  • The Trustees resolved that they were happy for the vCJD Trust website to be brought in-house to Field Fisher Waterhouse.