As at 16 May 2024, the Trustees have had 69 meetings.
As at 16 May 2024 (the date of the last Trustees’ meeting), there were 178 victims of vCJD, according to the website of the National CJD Surveillance Unit. 409 claims have been made for £5,000 for individuals who have suffered an identifiable psychiatric injury lasting longer than one calendar month have been considered by the Trustees. 217 claims have been made for particular emotional hardship as a result of having or had a psychiatric condition. 146 of these have been approved and payments made. 45 claims have been made for particular financial hardship as a result of suffering a psychiatric condition. 27 of these have been approved and payments made.
The majority of the payments considered to date have been paid. As at 29 April 2024, the total amount paid in compensation is £42,171,332.85, and the total paid in fees and expenses is £17,345,066.82 (including legal fees, Trustees’ fees and disbursements such as psychiatrist’s and GP’s fees).
Following representations made by the Trustees to the Department of Health and consultation with the CJD Support Network, Contact a Family and solicitors who have acted for families of Victims in the past, the Department of Health agreed to a revision of the Scheme in early 2010. The revision simplifies the procedure for making payments to Victims and their families. It came into effect on 12 February 2010 and applies to all Victims diagnosed on or after 31 March 2010. A further revision was made in March 2012 which enabled the Trustees to increase the Basic Sum annually on 31 March each year to acknowledge the impact of inflation.
At the request of a number of Victims’ families, the Trustees also agreed on 23 June 2006 to reconsider the principles underlying the claims for care provided by families. Their response was sent to family solicitors on 7 September 2006.
Abbreviated Minutes
Please click on the links below for the Abbreviated Minutes.